It’s Politics… But Not As We Know It: LBC (Leading Britain's Conversation)

By: Nick Ferrari
Do our political leaders embody your hopes and dreams? More importantly, when was the last time you looked at a politician and thought, ‘That’s someone I’d like to have a drink with’? Chances are, not recently enough. Let’s look at the state of politics today. Our representatives sit in a Westminster bubble; the vast majority are one-track careerists who’ve never held down a proper job. Is it any wonder that people feel disconnected from all of this?
This book is about the gap between politicians and the people. It’s about being real, being honest, and – crucially, this is Britain after all – keeping a sense of humour. And it’s the only place to find out why Boris needs to know his beans from his bubbles and Diane Abbott wants a new bread roll. Including Nick Ferrari’s dream cabinet, his Finishing School for Politicians and other visionary ideas that might never change the world, this very funny but, ultimately, very important book is for all of us, from the political grandee all the way down to the ‘NEET’. Welcome to the new politics, Nick Ferrari style.